一、 主办单位:南京农业大学国家动物消化道营养国际联合研究中心
二、 组织委员会
主 席:朱伟云(南京农业大学动物科技学院)
1. 会议时间:2019年10月23日至26日
2. 会议地点:南京农业大学学术交流中心 江苏省南京市玄武区童卫路20号
3. 会议日程安排

四、 征文内容及要求
1. 本次会议主题
“Rumen Metabolism and Physiology”
2. 征文内容
3. 投稿和摘要格式要求(摘要模板见附件1)
Rod I. Mackie |
美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 |
Leluo Guan |
加拿大阿尔伯特大学 |
Hauk Smidt |
荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 |
Nigel Scollan |
英国贝尔法斯特女王大学 |
Sharon Huws |
英国贝尔法斯特女王大学 |
Zhongtang Yu |
美国俄亥俄州立大学 |
Chris McSweeney |
澳大利亚CSIRO研究所 |
Veerle Fievez |
比利时根特大学 |
Evelyne Forano |
法国INRA |
Harinder Paul Singh Makkar |
六、 参会费用
1. 注册缴费: 2019年9月30日前注册并缴纳会务费,会务费国外代表400美元/人,国外学生代表300美元/人;会务费国内代表1200元/人,国内学生代表900元/人(需出示学生证)。2019年9月30日以后注册及现场注册,会务费国内代表1500元/人,国内学生代表1200元/人,可刷卡。具体缴费方式见汇款信息。会务费主要包含会议费、资料费等,住宿及其他费用自理。现场报到注册地点设在南京农业大学翰苑宾馆1楼大厅。
2. 住宿安排:一律凭会议回执安排入住,其中,酒店协议价为翰苑宾馆360元/间天(含早),锦江之星260/间天(不含早)。请各位代表提前做好行程安排,务必于2019年9月30日之前将参会回执(附件2)发送到指定邮箱,无回执代表请自行联系酒店。
3. 汇款信息:如下表所示,汇款后请将汇款凭证发送至会务组孙老师邮箱。
单位名称: |
南京农业大学 |
纳税人识别号: |
12100000466007562R |
开户行及账号: |
南京市工商银行孝陵卫支行 4301010609001097041 |
汇款备注: |
XXX(参会人姓名) JRS会务费 |
汇款联系人: |
会务组孙老师18351889670;E-mail:njlgm@njau.edu.cn |
七、 联系方式
孙展英 18351889670 E-mail: njlgm@njau.edu.cn
何香玉 15005167836 E-mail: hexiangyu@njau.edu.cn
成艳芬 13770531153 E-mail: yanfencheng@njau.edu.cn
The 12th Joint Rumen Metabolism and Physiology Symposium
Second announcement
Dr. Yasuo Kobayashi (Japan) and Dr. Jong K. Ha (Korea) proposed to hold an annual joint meeting in rumen metabolism and physiology in 1995 to facilitate the collaboration in research and graduate student education. The symposium would provide graduate students with opportunities to deliver oral presentations and personal discussions in English to improve their communication skill in English. The 1st Joint Rumen Symposium was held in Japan in 1997. So far, eleven sessions have been successfully held in China, Japan, and Korea every two years since 2005. The 12th Joint Rumen Metabolism and Physiology Symposium will be held in Nanjing on October 23-26, 2019 hosted by Nanjing Agricultural University and the National Center for International Research on Animal Gut Nutrition. The goal of the symposium is to improve the exchange of research discovery, progress, and ideas in the field of rumen metabolism and physiology, and to explore the research collaboration opportunities among researchers. The details of the meeting are as follows:
1. Organizer
National Center for International Research on Animal Gut Nutrition,
Nanjing Agricultural University
Zhejiang University
Animal Nutrition Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
2. Organizing Committee
Weiyun Zhu, Nanjing Agricultural University
Jianxin Liu, Zhejiang University
Yanfen Cheng, Nanjing Agricultural University
3. Date
October 23-26, 2019
4. Meeting Venue
Hanyuan Hotel, Tongwei Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing 210095, China
5. Content and Requirements
(1) Topic
Rumen Metabolism and Physiology
(2) Content
(I)Rumen physiology and metabolism
(II)Ruminant nutrition regulation and greenhouse gas emission reduction
(III)Ecology and function of rumen microorganisms
(3) Abstract requirements
Submission and abstracts formatting guidelines (see the example below)
Abstracts will be reviewed for inclusion in the symposium program as either an oral or a poster presentation. Only the abstracts following the adequate format and of high scientific standard will be accepted. The final decision of abstracts submitted will be informed authors via E-mail.
Abstracts must be written in English with a maximum of 400 words in an MS Word document, formatting with 12 point Times New Roman font and single space (do not use "bold" type)
The abstract should include title, authors, affiliations, and address
The main body of the abstract must be divided into three parts, including [Introduction], [Materials and Methods] and [Results and Conclusion] (do not include keywords).
Please send an abstract to njlgm@njau.edu.cn before September 15, 2019.
6. Invited participants
Rod I. Mackie |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Leluo Guan |
University of Alberta, Canada |
Hauk Smidt |
Wageningen University, The Netherlands |
Nigel Scollan |
Queen`s University Belfast, UK |
Sharon Huws |
Queen`s University Belfast, UK |
Zhongtang Yu |
The Ohio State University, USA |
Chris McSweeney |
CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australia |
Veerle Fievez |
Ghent University, Belgium |
Evelyne Forano |
Centre INRA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France |
Harinder Paul Singh Makker |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Germany |
7. Registration fee
USD 400 for general. USD 300 for students(Please remit before September 30, 2019). International and
domestic travel expenses are covered by participants.
Account information:
Name: |
NanJing Agricultural University |
Swif: |
Bank: |
517058226079 (dollar $) |
Address: |
Nanjing Mei Hua Shan Zhuang Sub-Branch Nanjing,Jiangsu,P.R.China |
Note: |
2019 JRS Registration |
Contact: |
Zhanying Sun +8618351889670;E-mail:njlgm@njau.edu.cn |
8. Contact
Zhanying Sun +8618351889670 njlgm@njau.edu.cn
Xiangyu He +8615005167836 hexiangyu@njau.edu.cn
Yanfen Cheng +8613770531153 yanfencheng@njau.edu.cn
National Center for International Research on Animal Gut Nutrition
October 23, 2019
Attachment 1 Abstract template
Exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG ameliorate hepatic steatosis in high fat-diet-fed zebrafish by modulating the gut microbiota
Xinyao Xu, Chenyu Xue, Chensi Wang, Na Dong*
Animal Science and Technology Collage, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, 150030, PR China
Porcine intestinal epithelium is an important immunity barrier to protect the intestines.
Materials and Methods
Adult zebrafish were fed control diet, high fat diet (HFD) , HFD containing 0.5% or 1.0% LGG EPS for 4 weeks.
Results and Conclusion
Liver TAG levels were significantly decreased in the 0.5% and 1.0 % LGG EPS groups compared to the HFD group (P<0.05).
附件1 摘要模板
Exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG ameliorate hepatic steatosis in high fat-diet-fed zebrafish by modulating the gut microbiota
Xinyao Xu, Chenyu Xue, Chensi Wang, Na Dong*
Animal Science and Technology Collage, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, 150030, PR China
Porcine intestinal epithelium is an important immunity barrier to protect the intestines.
Materials and Methods
Adult zebrafish were fed control diet, high fat diet (HFD), HFD containing 0.5% or 1.0% LGG EPS for 4 weeks.
Results and Conclusion
Liver TAG levels were significantly decreased in the 0.5% and 1.0 % LGG EPS groups compared to the HFD group (P<0.05).
附件2 参会回执
单位名称 |
姓 名 |
性 别 |
职 务/职 称 |
邮 箱 |
电 话 |
是否住宿 |
是否拼房 |