1. Organizer
National Center for International Research on Animal Gut Nutrition
College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University
Center for Grassland Microbiome, Lanzhou University
Mongolian University of Life Sciences
Myanmar University of Veterinary Sciences
Academy of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Qinghai University
Key Laboratory of Plateau Grazing Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of Qinghai Province
Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University
2. Organizing Committee
Yanfen Cheng, Nanjing Agricultural University
Otgonpurev Sukhbaatar, Mongolian University of Life Sciences
3. Funding
NSFC-MFST:Investigating the degradation and metabolism of straws in the rumen in order to improve their feed efficiency in ruminants(32161143028)
NSFC-CGIAR:Pre-treatments enhancing the feed efficiency of crop residues in ruminants and their mechanism(32061143034)
MOST- "Belt and Road" Innovation talent exchange program for foreign experts
4. Date
May 23-25, 2023
5. Meeting Venue
Studio Hall, 6th Floor Library, Nanjing Agricultural University
Account:867 3546 4592;Password:965092
Broadcast Platform: KouShare

6. Contact
Zhanying Sun |
+8618351889670 |
njlgm@njau.edu.cn |
Xiaoni Sun |
+8615150560593 |
sunnyxiaoni@njau.edu.cn |
Yanfen Cheng |
+8613770531153 |
yanfencheng@njau.edu.cn |
National Center for International Research on Animal Gut Nutrition

May 24 (Wednesday) 6th floor |
09:00-9:20 |
Opening Ceremony Chairperson: Yanfen Cheng Ø Welcome Speeches |
09:20-09:50 |
The mechanism of important functional native grasses in the natural grasslands of China and Mongolia on the digestion, metabolism and methane emission of Ruminant Otgonpurev Sukhbaatar (Mongolian University of Life Sciences) |
09:50-10:20 |
Changes in ruminal microbiota decreased enteric methane production and improved production performances of Hu sheep fed bio-fermented rice straw Yin Yin Kyawt (Myanmar University of Veterinary Sciences) |
10:20-10:50 |
Forage resources evaluation and utilization in Tibet Zhankun Tan (Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University) |
10:50-11:20 |
Can grazing yaks in the warm season eat enough? A problem that needs to be taken seriously Lizhuang Hao (Qinghai University) |
11:20-11:50 |
Pseudotargeted Metabolomics and Metagenomics Revealed the Mechanism Grazing Tibetan Sheep Adapting to Four Seasons Zunji Shi (Lanzhou University) |
11:50-12:20 |
Comparative study on the effects of high altitude on rumen and blood metabolism of yaks and cattle Xiaojing Liu (Nanjing Agricultural University) |
Lunch |
14:00-16:00 |
Interim Report –“investigating the degradation and metabolism of straws in the rumen in order to improve their feed efficiency in ruminants” project |
16:00-17:00 |
Visit National Center for International Research on Animal Gut Nutrition
17:00- |
Leave |